Knitting Decreases Lesson: How to Knit3Tog


Knitting decreases are knitting techniques used in projects to decrease the stitch count from the previous row or round. For decreases, you do not need special knitting needles and accessories; just your favorite pair with which you’re working on your project. K3TOG knit three together is a knitting decrease commonly featured in lace patterns. The technique decreases two stitches at a time, drastically reducing the stitch count. In addition to lace knitting, you can find the instructions in projects such as hats, socks, and sweaters for proper fit. For a quick knitting lesson on k3Tog, we’ll walk you through the steps of the decrease in this blog.

K3Tog- Knit three together

In knitting patterns, when you need to knit three stitches together, the common abbreviation is knit three together or k3tog. You basically make three stitches with your knitting needles and knit them together. This technique makes a sharp decrease, which is generally required in a lace pattern. Knitting lace patterns requires the careful placement of decreases that help in the creation of holes that add to the aesthetic appeal of the design. The technique is often utilized for other projects, such as socks or hats. It can be confusing if you are a new knitter and have never done it before, but it can be easily learned. The left-leaning decrease has a similar counterpart, SSK- slip slip knit, which can replace k3tog. Always choose the technique that you are most comfortable with.

You can work on knitting decreases when you are working back and forth with a pair of single-pointed or circular needles when you are working with double-pointed needles or circulars, or even when using special knitting techniques such as the magic loop.

When to K3Tog?

Most knitting patterns instruct when you need to work a k3tog to decrease. If you need to reduce the stitch count drastically, you can utilize the technique. This technique will reduce two stitches at a time. Say for a sharp toe decrease in socks or an asymmetrical pattern in a shawl or a lace pattern in the collar or edge of a top. For baby garments that have limited stitch count, you will find a lot of quick decreases. Similarly, for the crown of hats and beanies just before you join, there will be many rounds of frequent k3tog decreases. Though garments usually work with gradual decreases, some patterns with different shapes utilize the knitting technique.

If a pattern simply asks to reduce your stitch count without mentioning where to place your decrease, you can plan them in the beginning, middle or end of a row. This decision is up to you. For example, if you are knitting socks on DPNs, placing decreases in the middle and not where the needles are joined is recommended. This will reduce the chance of dropped stitches and uncomfortable yarn tension, which may lead to ladders. Also, for rapid decreases many knitters prefer circular knitting needles as they ergonomic design is easy on the hands.

Similar to k3tog, you can also work the technique in a row or round of purl stitches.

How to K3tog

You work the pattern as instructed, and when you get to k3tog instruction, you follow these steps.

Step 1: Insert the knitting needle into the next three stitches as if to knit.

Step 3: Wrap the yarn around the needle from back to front like when you make knit stitches.

Step 3: Pull the needle through both stitches, bringing it towards you and through the stitches.

Step 4: Slide the three stitches off the needle.

Step 5: You have now completed a k3tog decrease. This stitch creates a slanted decrease that leans to the right.

Now, you can apply the decrease in k3tog knitting in your projects. For smooth crafting sessions and particularly this technique, precise tips and a smooth needle body are highly preferred. Lantern Moon’s premium ebony wood knitting needles translate into finely crafted knit work. The handcrafted knitting needles have a precision tip that easily goes into smooth knitwork and also works beautifully with all kinds of yarn without snagging or damaging the fiber. The liquid-silk finish, a natural characteristic of ebony wood, has an effortless glide for all types of yarn. The collection also comprises ebony wood crochet hooks and accessories that assist with all of your crafting needs.



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