Tunisian Vs. Traditional Crochet

Crochet opens many opportunities for the crocheter to express their creativity. From a basic dishcloth to a blanket, there’s a lot for a yarn lovel to make with their crochet hooks. Of the many techniques that you can work with your hooks, Tunisian and traditional crochet are the most popular ones. Both have a unique charm and approach.


Recently, Tunisian crochet is gaining popularity. Whether you are a seasoned crafter or a newbie, mastering both methods will open vast opportunities for everyone. A hybrid of knitting and crochet that creates stitches like knitting, this unique crochet craft brings the both of best worlds. Tunisian Crochet hooks are different from traditional ones. This blog will explore the difference between Tunisian vs. traditional crochet, tools, and techniques and help you choose the project ideas.


Let’s start with basic information on Tunisian and traditional crochet.


What is traditional crochet?


In traditional crochet, you handle the stitches one at a time. In other words, complete each stitch before moving on to the next stitch. The hook used is generally a single-ended crochet hook. One end has a hook of loops, while the other has a handle that you hold in your hand. The method is simple and offers a wide variety of stitches and patterns. You will love it once you start using it.


What is Tunisian crochet?


Tunisian crochet, also called afghan crochet, is a hybrid of knitting and crochet. Tunisian crochet uses longer hooks like knitting needles and simultaneously holds multiple loops on the hook, creating a dense and textured fabric. The requirement of a special crochet hook such as an interchangeable Tunisian crochet hook is what makes them truly stand apart.


In Tunisian crochet, each row has two parts: The forward pass and the return pass. In the forward pass, the stitches are picked and kept on the hook; in the return pass, stitches are worked off the hook. Don't worry; it's a bit complex but still tempting to learn.


Before we move further, let’s find out how both techniques work.


How does traditional crochet work?

  • In traditional crochet, you work one stitch at a time and complete each stitch before moving to the next stitch.
  • Choose basic to complex methods and design various patterns.
  • These are suitable for garments, accessories, and home decor projects.


What about the Tunisian crochet? How does it work?


  • Tunisian crochet involves a two-step process: one is a forward pass, and the other one is a return pass. First, create a row of loops on the hook (forward pass), and then, you work them off the hook (return pass).
  • The stitches are more uniform, which makes it more attractive.
  • Due to the dense stitches, it is mainly suitable for bags, cushions, and blankets.


Regular vs. Tunisian crochet hook in a glance



Regular crochet

Tunisian crochet

Type of hook

Single-ended crochet hook.

Longer hook and sometimes with an extension like an Interchangeable Tunisian, double-ended crochet hook.

Stitches (US terms)

Chain stitch (CH), Single crochet (SC), Double crochet(DC), Treble crochet(TR)

Tunisian simple stitch(TSS), Tunisian knit(TKS), Tunisian purl stitch(TPS), and many more.


One stitch at a time

Keep multiple stitches on the hook


Flexible and drapey

Dense and less stretchy


Generally faster

Slow due to holding of various stitches.

Ease of learning

Beginner-friendly and easy-to-learn

Complex, and may take some time to learn

Project ideas

Garments and accessories.

Bags, cushions, and jackets.



We hope you are excited to start your project using both techniques. Let’s check a few more things before you begin your journey.


Which one should you choose?


Choosing between Tunisian and regular crochet generally depends on your goals and preferences. Regular crochet is a good option for a beginner looking for versatility. However, if you love challenges and want to explore more complex patterns, Tunisian is the right choice. Whatever tool you choose, you will enjoy and get a rewarding experience.


For both crochet techniques, you need a hook, crochet accessories, a chain and other basic stitches.


What’s more?




Tips for beginners


  • As a beginner, start with a small project to get the hang of it, like a dishcloth.
  • Make sure you have the right tool in your hand. Tunisian crochet is a longer hook and differs from regular.
  • The last and most important one is to practice. Make sure you have enough practice before beginning a project.


Both techniques have their unique charm and styles. If you love the simplicity and speed of regular crochet or the texture and structure of the Tunisian, both will provide beautiful and fantastic results. Moreover, you can show your creativity and skill to the whole world. Why not try both?


With the Lantern Moon collection, explore handcrafted crochet hooks made from ebony wood that is perfect for crocheters for a smooth crafting experience. Choose from single-ended and interchangeable Tunisian crochet hooks as well as crochet hook sets for all your projects.



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