For flat projects, knitters frequently reach for their reliable straight knitting needles. However, circular needles are also a good option for knitting as they can be used to knit flat projects such as scarves, dishcloths, blankets, etc. and round items like mittens, socks, or sleeves. Let’s explore more about knitting back and forth on circular needles in this blog, why it's worthwhile, and the step-by-step process. Refer to our blog on reasons to choose circular needles . Why do you need a circular needle? Flat knitting is often done with straight knitting needles , but circular needles have various benefits: Comfortable design: By distributing the weight of your project, the flexible cable between the needles eases the pressure on your Portability: When compared to straight needles, circular needles are smaller and simpler to move. Versatility: These needles can be used for everything, from delicate lacework to enormous blankets. Convenience: As your project expands, ci...